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We can only hope the smell of sweat permeating the battle fields of Valhalla and Asgard smell better than our own. With this assumption, we invoke the All-Father's battle-weary body with this barbeque-esque blend of smokey lapsang souchong black tea with potent cinnamon and rich black walnut. A completely unique blend, you'll have to try this to believe it.

Odin's Armpits — Smoky Cinnamon Black tea

PriceFrom $7.36
1 Ounce
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$15.44every month until canceled
    • Use 7g (≈1 tbsp) of leaf per ½ liter (≈17 oz) of water.
    • Use boiling (90°C/195°F) water
    • Steep for 3 minutes, strain leaves, and enjoy!
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