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This is the March 2019 picking of this incredible Darjeeling tea from Glenburn Estate. It's lighter than any black tea you'll otherwise encounter, as the leaves are the earliest, freshest leaves you can get. This year's batch is almost sweet, with light fruity notes complementing the classic alfalfa-y flavor of the first-flushes.


Glenburn Estate was started by a Scottish tea company in 1859, but has now been in the Prakash family for four generations. The estate is 1,875 acres (with 700 under tea), and produces 275,000 pounds of tea per year. They are located at 3,200 feet altitude and get 64-79 inches of rain per year. Glenburn employs 893 permanent workers, plus temporary workers during the picking season.



We suggest not making this one with any milk or sugar, and not as a latte. It's very delicate, so the flavor won't quite hold up in our opinion.


If that's how you like it, though, drink away! We absolutely will not shame you; we're not here to judge, just to provide a delicious product. There is no wrong way to drink tea, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

2021 Highlander - 1st-Flush Darjeeling Black Tea

PriceFrom $17.10
1 Ounce
Price Options
One-time purchase
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$28.50every month until canceled
    • Use 7g (≈1 tbsp) of leaf per ½ liter (≈17 oz) of water.
    • Use boiling (90°C/195°F) water
    • Steep for 1:15, strain leaves, and enjoy!
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